Book Review: Eat That Frog!

Book Review: Eat That Frog! cover

Eating frog, how does it taste? Let's imagine it. Only in the first chew already, it must have tastes like.. AAAAAAA. Eating frog is just feels like that: doing a very very big task. It feels hard. It's soooo hard to start it. That's why this book is called Eat that Frog! 

This frog is a metaphor for the most important task in our life, which, if we procrastinated, it would make our life fall apart, but if done seriously, it can improve our life quality. 

Smart, indeed. The author. 

The author wants to convey that to start something is indeed really that hard. Even so we still have to do it. We still have to eat the frog. No matter how uncomfortable it is, no matter how lazy we were now, we still must eat it. If not, we can never be move forward.  

Because of how difficult it is to get started, especially for those who are used to procrastinating, the author gives some tips on how to get us quickly done swallowing the frog. He also explains how to choose the biggest frog for us. Why must the biggest one? The reason is because the most unpleasant frog to eat is what is usually the most important task in our life. 

That's why this book can't be read once. We must be read repeatedly while continuously practicing it, until finally becomes a new habit in our life. If not, reading it will be just end in smoke. 

The good thing is the content of the page is not as much as the other self-help books. It's quite concise. The motivational stories are also made short and simple. At the end of each chapter there is also a guide on what we should do, according to the content of the chapter. So, it's practicable

Although it seems to be more aimed for office employees and businesspeople reader, I think the book Eat that Frog! can still be enjoyed by other fields. Moms who stay at home taking care of their families, freelancers, and even student can also read it. Moreover, everyone sure must have their own frog, isn't it? 

And what if you don't have it yet? Well, that means it's the sign that is it a time for you to think about what you want to achieve in your life. 

Book Recommendation After Eat that Frog! :

One Thing by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan. 


In this book, there is often mentioned a comparison between "average person" with "successful person". I myself still one of the billions of average persons on this Earth. But, okay. Now I get excited to prove the truth of everything that was said in this book. Let's see in the next five years, have I become a successful person or not after consistently applying this book's advice 😳

Book Title: Eat that Frog!
Author: Brian Tracy
Publisher: Berret-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Release Year: 2017 (Third Edition)
Genre: Self-help

There's an old saying that if the first thing you do each morning is eat a live frog, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you're done with the worst thing you'll have to do all day. For Brian Tracy, eating a frog is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging task—but also the one that can have the greatest positive impact on your life. Eat That Frog! shows you how to organize each day so you can zero in on these critical tasks and accomplish them efficiently and effectively. In this fully revised and updated edition, Tracy adds two new chapters. The first explains how you can use technology to remind yourself of what is most important and protect yourself from what is least important. The second offers advice for maintaining focus in our era of constant distractions, electronic and otherwise. 
